I am absolutely loving the freedom driving gives me and I earnestly urge anyone out there who can't drive to get a move on. I confess to being an absolute prat for not driving earlier on and letting my irrational fear hold me to ransom. So I have driven everywhere on my own and with Lopes and even braved the motorway where I overtook a friend who I accused of driving too slowly! Before journeys with Lopes, I say extra prayers. I cannot promise not to wax lyrical about driving so apologies for the boredom my blog will no doubt cause. I now think of my life Before Driving (BD) and After Driving (AD)
A trip I made on Monday will be used to show the massive difference it has made.
BD.Take Bus to station. Take Taxi to friend's house and ask driver to wait while I drop Lopes off and then take me to work. Fret about the needless amount of money spent. Finish work, take bus to station, get Taxi to friend's house, pick up Lopes, take taxi back to station and take bus home. Get so cross that I have spent over £35 on taxis and get home and eat loads of comfort food. Estimated time spent in transit. 2 hours
AD.Drive to friend's house, get lost on the way and stop to key in address into Sat Nav. Realise that it is impossible to remember old directions or places I have been driven to at least one hundred times. (Note to self. Key in all addresses into Sat Nav memory) Drop Lopes off, drive to work, park in my newly alloted parking space, get lost in the multistorey car pack, (who thought it was clever to put the exit on level 3 instead of level 1??). Leave work, pick Lopes up and head home. Estimated time spent in transit. 30 minutes
Lopes starts school tomorrow. And so we decided to go and pick up all the little bits I had forgotten, get the car washed and go to lunch at Lopes' favourite chinese restaurant. In my rush, I left the keys inside the house and closed the door. Hot footed it to my inlaws who have a spare key, offering prayers and making promises to God after forgetting to slow down for a speed camera, picked up the spare key and then rushed back home. Found out to my utter consternation that the keys were on the inside of the door and so I could not open the door with the key outside. So what have I learnt today.... I can break into my own house with a spanner and file and brute force and long distance breaking and entering instructions from BabaLopes :) Now I need an alarm system!
PS, Huge bruise on my posterior. I guess weight loss has melted away some of the excess and so trying to bash the door down with my backside is now a thing of the past!