It's 3.19am and I am awake. 2 reasons. First, the night wake up calls to wee and Lopes woke up. Bad dream about the police!
Over the last couple of months, once I found out that we were having a baby, I have looked at Lopes in a different light. I am lucky because she really wanted a sibling and used to pray about it every night, I am just sad that our days of Mum and Lopes only will soon be over. So, I have let her get away with many things, especially as I do not want her to feel left out. She must stop coming to our bed at night though. Not sure there will be space for 4 of us, but I am sure she will find a way. I find myself watching her with a wry smile as she sleeps and wondering where the last 5 and a half years have gone. While trying to get her to go back to sleep after her police nightmare, she opened her sleepy eyes and said "Your face is so beautiful Mummy and I like the sound of your voice". I must find a way to reserve some Mum and Lopes days after MiniLopes is born.
Last night, tv was awash with programmes about Michael Jackson and Tolu had 101 questions. I said he died because he had a poorly heart and it was his time to go. Luckily she did not connect that she was born with a poorly heart as I don't think we ever actively mentioned it. She did mention that she was poorly sometimes and did not die. I ended up searching for the We are the world song on youtube and she then told me to write out the chorus and the fact that Michael Jackson had died. She wondered whey we never got to see him when he was alive and demanded that we go to North America just in case.
Now there's a thought. Find out sex of baby, Shopping in North America over the summer holidays. Hmmm...
It's not 3.41am. Time for snack.