Sunday, 28 November 2010

Where has the year gone???

Anybody out there??

Time really flies when you are having fun or in my case severely sleep deprived. Fems is one year old now. Yikes, can't believe I have been away from here for this long. I blame the demise of most of my favourite bloggers and the lack of time to discover news ones.

Sooooo, fill me in on all the gist, please, please, please. Till I catch up, I have to live vicariously through all of you.

Will pop in again. Snow has been forecast for London. Hoping it won't affect Lopes' party. She will be 7 soon. Na wah o. I am becoming an old mum. All's good sha.

Will be back soon xx


Favoured Girl said...

I'm asking myself that question too - 2010 has really flown by!

How are you and the family doing? Your baby is one already - wow!

Have a great month of December!

Sexy Amateur Girls said...
