Monday 21 April 2008

Food Glorious food, High School Musical...

Well as you all know, I slowed down on the cooking front and got a lovely lady to bulk cook for me. I am a fantastic cook, even if I say so myself, but only love cooking when I have the luxury or spending a whole day uninterrupted in the kitchen. Seeing as that will never happen and Lopes cannot go through 5 minutes withou asking questions or letting you in on her numerous observations, I have decided to get back in the saddle. So in the last week or so I have cooked:

Okra Ogbono with chicken, goat meat, shaki, smoked fish and fresh prawns

Assorted Meat and Chicken Stew

Beans and sweetcorn.

Efo Elegusi

All packed and put in the freezer, ready meals Naija style.

I also have some wateryam waiting for the Ikokore treatment and ordinary yam waiting for the Asaro treatment. And then I found a Fish Market and they sell fresh Red Bream and Tilapia. Fish soup coming up.

Now the irony of all this food is that I cannot eat most of the food as I am cutting out my carbs. To good effect, one day, I will post a before and after pic :)

High School Musical, HSM
Lopes loves HSM and that is an understatement. So in a fit of madness, I bought her a game for the Nintendo wii, which is basically a Karaoke game with all the songs from HSM1 and HSM2. We now fight over the mic and shamefaced Mum, or shameless Mum even, waits till she goes to bed and pretends to be a Rock Star in the making.

Birthday Alert.
Please beg God on my behalf. I do not mean to appear ungrateful for my forthcoming birthday but I always get a bit down near my birthday or New Year. This year, I will try to be cheery, So Help me God. PS. I expect presents, real and not virtual on the 28th of April when I will be older and wiser, we hope!


Jennifer A. said...

All those foods u mentioned are making me hungry...

Loll @ becoming a rock star when Lopes goes to bed...

Happy birthday in advance (that's my cousin's birthday as well). :)

Simi Speaks said...

Am starving. and u made it worse! lol. ok, am off to lunch now.

I feel u on the cooking bit tho. I cook great BUT i dont have the time. And we both love to eat.

God help me!

Andrew F. Alalade said...

KML, abeg send one of those saliva-inducing food packs my way oooh. My post code
I wonder what that High School Musical does to most kids - hey have all gone crazy over it. I had a small gal on my ward who was so addicted, we allowed to have posters of Zac Effron on her wall.
How you dey?

Naapali said...

Now you have me drooling over my shirt, how am I supposed to work like this.

About the birthday, Pele. Considering the alternative I am sure you are glad your birthday is coming up.

Your present is on the way, I just need a delivery address.

Mommy said...

Got here today and found out its your birthday. Happy Birthday ok and hey its no time for :(. Time for :o)
Happy Birthday!!


one day late, happy belated birthday!! hope u had a fab time.

Gbemi's Piece said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day. That was a lot of cooked. I was wondering why you needed a whole day, uninterrupted and all. Then I saw what you made. Wow!

Naapali said...

Belated happy byday o! I had to learn about it in a very roundabout way. Shey u are trying to avoid sending my own moimoi and akara over or somming?

Eat well, love well and be well.

Writefreak said...

Happy birthday in arrears! Hope you had fun and you didn't allow yourself to get depressed..

Now i am in the office, no food, i am starving! Why describe all those food when you're not calling us for a party? lol


Mama Lopes, happy belated oh! Shebi you received the ruby earrings I sent you? Good! I take God beg you, the HSM game is for the kids and kids only. Agbaya!



mama lopes!!!!!

Unknown said...

Me I am waiting earnestly for that before and after pics. Seriously!

Happy Birthday in Arrears!! Sorry I missed the big day - so much fo being a good friend. (smile)