Saturday, 5 January 2008

O Faith, Faith, wherefore art thou, Faith?

Faith is said to be the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Lopes went for her first school assessment on Wednesday. I spoke to her tutor on Thursday and she said a mum had received a call for a second interview. I hot-footed it home and had not received any calls. Deep depression set in. Why were we not called....

I then spoke to another mum who said most people get letters and not to worry. Still niggling doubt. Spent the evening surfing instead of packing orders. Read a piece written by Christian Writer on how she got published and one line flashed at me.

"I truly believe that God wanted to challenge my faith"

I have faith, well I thought I had faith and at the first hurdle, I did not say, "my God is able, He is in control". I fell over. I ran home, and sat and finished a bag of Lindt Truffles. Thank God that His actions are not based on my foolishness. We got a letter, we have a second interview :)

Also my father in law will be staying with us for a while. It's going to be a great year.


Christian Writer said...

At least you enjoyed the Lindt. As for the faith stuff, my dear, it's one small step at a time. And remember, don't sweat the small stuff.

Naapali said...

If u sweat this much for nursery school placement, then gird your loins for puberty, college admissions, dating, career, family. I ponder these things myself and have decided to chillax since no amount of stressing out will positively impact the unknown or uncertain future. As for Dumpty, that is a tale for another day.
You dont know how many times I cried over not being at ISI, ISL, Ijanikin, anywhere but being in a trench hugging a cold rifle.


Yipee! My dear, this year will be blessed and fruitful for you and yours. God will not ever let you down for he is steadfast!

Happy New Year and give Lopes a kiss.

Nonesuch said...

I know how u feel my sista. My boy is going for an assessment in a couple of months so he can get into school in spetember and i'm so nervous its killing me.

Congrats all the same. all the best to Lopes.

Andrew F. Alalade said...

It's funny how we deal with all of life's issues. Relax KML, God is in control.

Simi Speaks said...

HE is always in control.
Proverbs 16:3

Take heart, dear.

Thirty + said...

Happy New Year, it all works together for good. Trust HIM

Anonymous said...

You touched me today,good luck with everything not that you need it He never fails.

KemiMamaLopes said...

@cw. Lovely chocs :)

@naapali. Welcome back. Holding on for the journey ahead.

@solomonsydelle. Thank you so much. God is good

@nonesuch. Can't wait till it's all over. Thanks for stopping by.

@Andy. Trying desperately hard to relax. How now?

@Simi. Great verse. Thanks for stopping by

@30+ Hanging in there.

@Mandy. Still standing. Thankks again. Now where is my NY shopping list :)

Iyaeto said...

Congratulations on the 2nd interview. Welcome Papa. BTW, u used to live in Leicester abi? Funny enoug, that's my birthplace. Never been there since we let there many moons ago.

Roz said...

I guess I would have reacted just like you. I am trying to learn to trust more (and believe me I thought I had a degree in Trusting the Lord) but as always life throws you a few things to challenge you and I am still learning and like 'christian writer' said... one small step at a time!