Wednesday, 6 February 2008

E wa ba mi gbe Jesu ga

E wa ba mi gbe Jesu ga - Come Magnify Jesus with me.

We got a letter today. We have a place at the school God chose for Lopes. Okay, if you have not read it all in the archives already, let me fill you in.

We, the Lopes Appreciation group, and our chair lady Lopes, live in North London. There are 2 very good girls schools there that admit at 4+, 7+, 11+ and 16, and one of the schools have an extra intake at 5+.

We had a place at a Prep school but that was only till 11 years which meant that we would have to prepare Lopes for the 11+ exams. I have seen parents going through this and it's not pretty. So for reasons of self preservation, this was not our first choice but we had the prep school place as back up.

We, then had assessments at the 2 schools. We got a call back for a second assessment from one and a no from the other. Now the one we got a no from, had always been our first choice but the second choice was beginning to grow on me. Now the dilemma of which to choose and making the wrong choice was out of our hands.

So now we have a place. I say we, as the education of a child is very much a partnership between the parents and the school. So I am going back to school. God help us. Now the issue of school fees :) God dey.

I am sitting in a quiet house as Lopes is at nursery, and I have just come back from work to reread the letter. BabaLopes stayed home till the letter arrived! Hmm. What cake should be bake??


Christian Writer said...

The question is not, 'what cake should I bake?' but 'which part of my backside and thigh will the baked cake lodge itself in?'.

And let us know when you do bake the cake. Some other people like cake too.

Unknown said...

Carrot Cake! LOL!! Congratulations

laspapi said...

Congratulations. May your year be full of great things.

Nonesuch said...

Congrats to you especially. I know what you are going thorugh waiting for the call and praying Lopes get in. I'm about to start the process with Senior Boy now and I feel faint already.

Naapali said...

Carrot cake!

Mandy Brown-Ojugbana said...

He fails not

chioma said...

hmm i see I am not the only one that enjoys baking cakes..just wish i could stay away from eating!

chioma said...

hmm i see I am not the only one that enjoys baking cakes..just wish i could stay away from eating!
All th best God will provide for the fees.. i want to change my kids school next session and it seems crazy now but i know we will be able to afford it.


LOL! Congrats!!!!!

Mommy said...

Okay...I'm so very guilty here. I've been here so many times like forever and never commented. :0(

Congrats girl...hope Lope enjoys herself there.

I see you like baking. Well I like eating the cake lol I have started learning the 'art' of baking.