Saturday, 3 February 2007

This one’s for you Mum

Where do I start? My mum is 75 years old today. I was the child of her old age, spoilt rotten. She instilled great values in all our children and brought us up, 5 girls, to be so self dependent. She does say she regrets that a bit as only 2 of us are married but I do prefer being self dependent any day.

My mum started her poultry farm with 24 chickens and one goat and never tires of telling us her grass to grace story whenever we stepped out of line and behaved like silver spoon children. She has a large farm now and keeps adding little hobbies to it. Plantation, snail farm, fish pond etc. She never tires and has refused to retire. She strived to send us to be best schools and her famous words are “Your education is your legacy”

I was going to list what Mum taught me but will have been here all night but all I know I owe to my mum. The very foundations of all I am and all I can be were laid by my mother. Anytime she was chided for spending her all on her children, she would say “To ri omo, ni mo se waiye” I was born for my children.

She does belong to the old school and we do fall out but I guess one has reached an age where I can tell mum to leave me be on some issues and she grudgingly agrees. Not for long though

My mum, my phenomenal woman. Happy Birthday. Olorun a je ki epe fun wa. Amin.

1 comment:

Omara said...

A really touching tribute! To have a 'role model' Mum is a blessing. She must be proud of you too!