Saturday, 13 January 2007

And so I begin

Decided to join the blogging community even though I am not so sure I have anything to say. Hey, Ho, we must all start somewhere. So here goes....

At home alone at the moment, which in itself is bliss as I am married with a 3 year old daughter. So why do I feel guilty that I am lounging and not running around like a blue bottomed fly?? Must learn to relax more.

No resolutions this year except to take each day at it comes and make them up as I go along. Will be kinder and more open to random acts of kindness.

Came back from a 3 week trip to Nigeria last week. The place breaks my heart. The Nigeria of my youth is totally gone and has been replaced by a short-termist (sp) economy. Now in Nigeria, if you are born poor, chances are you will die poor. Feel blessed that we are comfortable, but at what cost?? Will write more on my trip later

Off to get ready to run around like a blue bottomed fly, my boss(3 year old daughter) is coming home soon :)


Boorish Male said...

Welcome to blogsville!!!!!!
Keep writing ok?

KemiMamaLopes said...

Yippee. Someone found my blog. Thanks a lot for the welcome. Will definitely keep writing. Quite cathartic.

Gbemi's Piece said...

I know it's a little belated but welcome to blogsville! I am so glad you decided to put up a blog. I've had so much fun reading your posts and look forward to many more!

KemiMamaLopes said...

@Gbemi. Thanks for the welcome. I love your blog too.

Unknown said...

Welcome to Blogville!! I was goint through the referrals link on my site meter, saw ur url and came over here and behold my blog is on ur blog list!!

Love ur style of writing. Will definetely be back.