Monday 29 October 2007

Going back to my roots

Long, long ago, I used to be known as "Original man pant. Not as bad as it sounds, it just just meant....., hmm, not really sure.

That was before I had a child and mistakenly put motherhood before being a wife and partner. Also being slightly heavier than I would like did not help as I took to hiding all the time. Not quite sure that the error of my ways ever fully dawned on me but now my husband is back from a 2 week trip and I fully intend to return to my ashewo days, happily married of course.

The answer for us was the break, I realised that in almost 5 years, we have not been apart for this long. Not good. I think we should do breaks a bit more often. I found I had more time to pray, set a good routine for Lopes and sort out my eating. Last 2 days were rubbish as I had teenagers in the house and foolishly decided to eat with them. This was sorted when I put them in charge of my food. My niece promptly grabbed my cornetto and tossed it in the bin!

Anyway, discovered this programme on channel five called, How to have sex after marriage. It's on Wednesdays at 9pm. Very good eye opener. Cringed when I could identify with some issues but good to see in black and white. Also picked up some new tricks. hehe :)

Paraphrasing an old mantra, My new mantra is "I must, I must, I must improve my lust! So my newly discovered frequent blogging might not be as frequent :))



My sista, if sacrificing blogging means that there will be an increase in the lust and love making, then so be it! You have MY permission. lol!!!

We'll miss you but as long as you come up for air from time to time, we'll be fine.


Roz said...

Solomonsydelle's comment got me laughing! particularly the last bit.

I haven't been blogging for a while so it was nice having a long read of all your recent posts!

I shall be checking out the Channel 5 programme hopefully once I get the little one in bed and then straight after I get to see my fav programme HEROs on BBC 3

Unknown said...

Original Man pant huh? Please improve on your lust oh. We all need to. LOL!! I second solomonsydelle. We dont mind you working on your 'project' as long as you come up for air. LOL!!

KemiMamaLopes said...

@solomonsydelle. Love the comment Will try to keep up with the blogging ;)

@Roz. Update please. Need some pics of the 11 cakes, even though I can't eat them

@CG. Glad you are back.